$33.00 USD

The Pleasure Plan + Creating Orgasmic Energy

Steamy sessions don't just happen, they are created.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Intimate Life?

It is time to discover how intimacy, pleasure, and connection are not just vacation fantasies but your everyday reality. "The Pleasure Plan" is your ultimate guide to creating a fulfilling and joyful intimate life and a vibrantly alive body. Designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule, this program gives you the tools and mindset to prioritize pleasure and enhance your experiences.

Why Choose The Pleasure Plan?

Life gets busy, and often, intimacy and pleasure take a backseat. With "The Pleasure Plan," you’ll learn exactly what you need to do to make time for more intimacy, more pleasure, and deeper connection. From practical tasks to meaningful conversations and the right mindset, this program is crafted to bring about real, positive change in your life.

What You’ll Get:

  • Practical Steps and Tasks: Easy-to-follow tasks that help you make time for intimacy and pleasure in your busy life.
  • Meaningful Conversations: Guidance on how to have those important conversations that build connection and intimacy.
  • Mindset Shifts: Techniques to adopt the right mindset, ensuring you can prioritize and enjoy more pleasure.
  • Simple and Actionable: A straightforward, step-by-step approach to transform your intimate life without feeling overwhelmed.

Bonus Masterclass: Creating Orgasmic Energy

As a special bonus, you’ll also get access to the exclusive masterclass "Creating Orgasmic Energy." This powerful session will teach you how to prepare your body and mind for heightened arousal and deeper pleasure making those sessions you planned THAT much better.

In this masterclass, you’ll discover:

  • Techniques to Prime Your Body and Mind: Learn how to create the perfect conditions for pleasure to flourish.
  • Breathing and Mindfulness Exercises: Practices that enhance anticipation and prepare your body for orgasmic experiences.
  • Emotional and Mental Preparation: Build anticipation and excitement for more satisfying intimate moments.

Don’t Miss Out! The Creating Orgasmic Energy Masterclass is happening Sunday July 7th at 9am PST (yes there will be a replay)

Transform your intimate life and experience pleasure like never before. "The Pleasure Plan" is your roadmap to a more connected, joyful, and satisfying relationship.


Questions or hestiations? email [email protected]