$55.00 USD

4 monthly payments

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Sexy Revamp 4 Payments

The Sexy Revamp is a transformational course where you will learn simple and effective methods, both of mind and body, so that you can feel more turned on, deeply connected, and pleasured.

Go through the materials anytime, at your own pace . . . binge watch like Netflix, do it as a week-long challenge, or do one masterclass a week.

(Prefer to a one time payment of $197? Click HERE)

What you get in The Sexy Revamp Program:


When it comes to pleasure resistance is bound to come - because that is how we have been socialized! This primer will help you get your brain on board so that you can reap the benefits of all this program has to offer.


Six robust masterclasses that will help you rewire your brain, shed old beliefs, walk away with practical steps and become your most turned on self.

  1. Creating Orgasmic Conditions -Most of us women are NOT experiencing all the pleasure and desire that our bodies are wired for.  In this masterclass, you will learn what it takes to create optimal orgasmic experiences with The 3 Pillars of Pleasure.
  2. Designed for Delight  The fact of the matter is that most of us don’t really know much about female anatomy and even LESS about pleasure.  This is the sex education all of us vulva owners really needed.  Orgasms, libido, clitoral stimulation - oh my! The wisdom needed to have you feeling more confident navigating your body and empowered in your communication around it. 
  3. Ignite Desire - It is time to stop waiting to “get” turned on or your blaming things on not being in the “mood” or too tired — you have way more power to ‘up' your libido than you think. Learn the simple shifts needed to have you wanting it again and the skill you need to start working cultivating desire right now. 
  4. Get Out of Your Head - The key to a deeper experience of pleasure is getting out of your head and into where the action is happening - your body!  This masterclass will take you a 4-step process called NBBE - so you know EXACTLY what to do when your mind wanders during your next sexy session.
  5. Stop Squashing Your Sexy - Learn the #1 way women unknowingly sabotage their sensual desire, playful curiosity, and bold female energy - no it isn't your fault and yes you can do something about it. Plus you will learn - one of my most beloved tools for befriending yourself and regulating your nervous system.
  6. Skills for Keeping the Sexy Spark Alive - This masterclass came after celebrating 15 years of marriage (21 together) and coaching hundreds of long-term couples and what I have learned about keeping that spark ALIVE and well when you’re in a long term relationship.  (We aren’t always shown that this is even possible, let alone KNOW how to do it!)

>>> BONUS: Regulating Your Nervous System Guide

This bonus alone will completely change how you are able to show up in your relationships. Because the truth is, MOST of us have such disregulated nervous systems intimacy, pleasure and play are so far out of reach. This guide is packed with practices, emotional regulation tools and stress soothing suggestions so that you can get to a more balanced state and be available for so much of the good in your life.


Becoming turned on is a skill, one that we have to put into practice! That is why The Sexy Revamp includes guides meditations and practices to make it easy for you to follow along and expand your capacity to receive more pleasure.


Listen to masterclasses on the go, do the guided practices, enjoy real life stories of women who have transformed their relationship with pleasure plus enjoy bonus materials ON DEMAND via your favorite mobile device.


Participating in this course you will create more vibrancy in your body and a rejuvenation in your sex life.


Regardless of what you are currently facing or have experienced in the past, I want you to know that pleasure is your birthright. 

You, beautiful woman, are wired and worthy of all the juicy pleasure, desire, and passion you crave.

Pleasure is possible FOR YOU.  

And this is THE place that your pleasure matters.

Getting lit up and turned on inside matters. Orgasms matter. That juicy passion that you're wanting MATTERS.  And it can't wait any longer.

  • I am going to show you that feeling turned on in your body is in your control.
  • That yummy sensual and sexual pleasure is available to you. 
  • And how when you begin to integrate this part of your womanhood, you will feel more energized and alive in all areas of your life.

Sexy is simple.  Desire is possible.  Pleasure is fuel.

"This season in life is the first time I feel that I have fully giving myself permission to explore my sexuality.
Including self pleasure. It feels so empowering to me. It feels like I am living my life FULLER. I am dancing more and can’t keep my hands off my husband. And this is just the beginning!” - Sexy Revamp Client