Hey I'm Danielle,

And I am here to let you in on a little secret (now backed by science), your pleasure, especially your sexual pleasure is immensely powerful

Woman I see you.

You're working hard, doing all the things and despite having so many things to be grateful for, you can't help but wonder if there is something you are missing out on? Is this really it??

Could it actually be better than it is right now?

Passionate and hot?

Feeling vibrant and alive in your body?

Deeply satisfied and pulsing with pleasure?

Not just healing to survive, but to live a life you are in LOVE with.

Well the quick answer? YES.

Because the truth is, your pleasure is not only possible, but when accessed will unlock a well of creativity and energy within you.  

Pleasure is vital to your well-being 

Studies have shown how pleasure centers in the brain when activated help promote better immunity, resilience, cognitive focus & creativity, vitality to the organs and better blood flow (just to name a few).
Experiences of pleasure flood our bodies and nervous system with neurochemicals and hormones to optimize function and expand our innate potential. 
But beyond that, pleasure is the path to liberation for women. It is an unlearning of the lessons we've been taught that our worth is measured in the constant "doing" and self-sacrificing. 
Becoming pleasured and connecting with your sexuality creates deep self-trust, emotional responsibility and nourishing self-compassion. 
A pleasured woman is a woman who has energy available to HER to spend how she wants. 
    To connect deeply and passionately with her partner.
    To be present for her family.
    To make waves in the world and boldly stand for what she believes. 

We don't think we have time for pleasure, but it is only because we've been socialized that it's a luxury and not vital to our overall well-being. 

You are wired for extreme pleasure. 


And the reason you aren't experiencing it, isn't because you are broken or doing it wrong. It's simply because you've been socialized in a culture where female pleasure was never taught nor celebrated, let alone prioritized.

Our sexual stories are seeped in shame.

The should's and should nots.
We have been told what "sexy" and desirable is.
Influenced to see that pleasing our partner is of the utmost importance.
We are taught to BE desirable, not how to access our own desires.
Encouraged to reject & criticize our bodies.
Our validation has come through achieving and doing rather than receiving and being.
The result?
Well it certainly isn't mind-blowing orgasms.
Instead we are in our heads more than our bodies - disconnected and frustrated.
Exhausted from doing all the things and still not feeling like we're doing enough. 

You were never taught that this part of you matters, but the truth is, it does.

I have been where you are — the body shame, the mixed messages, the disconnect, reconciling past traumas, health issues and simply not wanting it. I have learned how to have mind-blowing sex and how to infiltrate pleasure, fun and deep compassion into my everyday existence . . . and have helped hundreds of women just like you achieve the same.

I deeply understand the process it takes to become the woman who is turned on, who follows through and who creates orgasmic results for herself. I get YOU.

Let's Get Started

It can be better, than BETTER sex.

I think we can all agree that better sex is awesome. I mean who doesn’t want to feel that deep connection after a passionate and orgasmic romp with the one they love?!? It can get your whole body lit up and rekindle that flirtatious connection between you and your partner.


But you know what is even better?

Knowing how to create desire for sex whenever you want.
Existing in this world feeling ALIVE & COURAGEOUS- fueled by a reserve of pleasure you created.
Having such unashamed love for yourself that you can't help admiring your naked body in the mirror on your way to the shower each morning.

And this is exactly what happens when you intentionally work on creating more sexual pleasure in your life.

My commitment is to your personal pleasure growth and sexual wholeness. Each program is designed to help you understand yourself more intimately and guide you to know precisely what to do next - whether that is working with your brain, getting in your body, talking with your partner, or even making some adjustments in your life.


I have developed a process inspired by my own life, but based in psychology, somatics (mind-body) and neuroscience to help you realize your pleasure potential.

Let's work together!

Danielle Savory is a master certified coach, podcast host, and expert in the fields of neuropsychology, mindfulness, sexual pleasure and intimacy.  Danielle brings a unique perspective to coaching, helping clients understand the ways in which the brain and body are interconnected and how this connection can be harnessed to experience the sensual pleasure the body is wired for.

As the host of Mashable's #1 Rated Sex & Relationship podcast "It's My Pleasure," Danielle has explored a wide range of topics related to sexuality, relationships, and personal growth - empowering women to embrace their sexuality and prioritize their pleasure. Danielle is a master certified coach with over 10 years of experience coaching hundreds of women with her proven process of increasing desire and expanding orgasmic capacity.

To contact Danielle about interviews, articles and speaking engagements please click here

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