Ep. 96: Pausing the Autopilot

Uncategorized Sep 23, 2022

When was the last time you just stopped and took a second, pause it all? We live such full lives, and our brains are wired to constantly be on the lookout to keep us safe and efficient. And that’s not to mention how bombarded we are with emails, notifications, and constant distractions. All of this working together makes it difficult to connect with ourselves, our bodies, and our pleasure. Today I want to share with you the practice of the pause. Why the pause is an easy and impactful practice both in your sex life and out of it and how to integrate it into your day.

Topics in this episode

  • The impact of the distracted brain
  • How the pause practice can help you
  • Easy ways to integrate the pause
  • What this has to do with sex
  • How the pause can create more connection with your partner and self
  • Discuss the four different types of pauses:

As always, it’s been my absolute pleasure to be here with you this week. Remember to pause and take stock of what’s happening in our minds and in our bodies. Really enjoy these moments and breaks from distractions, connect to you, and becoming a fully turned-on woman.


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