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YES! You’re all prepped after last week to truly step into asking for what you want. And today we dive into part two - what do you actually say?
As adults we understand that we can never guarantee what we are asking for or sharing is going to land perfectly with our partner - we are all humans - sometimes things are missaid, sometimes feelings are hurt and sometimes we completely flub getting across what our deepest desires truly are. And it is all OK - why? Because it is practice, all of it. Most of us do not have much experience communicating about sex and our desires, but this episode will give you some prompts and guidelines to make things more smooth.
How do you teach them without hurting their feelings? How do you ask for something you really want without feeling awkward as all get out?
Tune into this episode where I break it all down so you have the confidence to go in and have those juicy, intimate talks and advocate for your own pleasure with ease.
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