A common misconception that the reason we’re not having orgasmic sex is because of our partner, or our children, or something else that is standing in the way. So many women truly feel that if things were different in their relationships, then they would be able to have better sex and it would be more attainable for them. In this episode, I explore some of these excuses and share with you why it’s not them, it’s you, and that instead of feeling guilt or shame, this is a powerful step in taking back control of your sexuality. We have to reprogram our brains on how it comes to thinking about your partner, yourself, and your sex life, in order to create the environment for pleasure, and that is what empowerment is all about.
This is the exact work I do with my clients all of the time, because it’s about creating a process and a skill set so that you are changing who you are being as a woman. You become a turned-on woman. You become an orgasmic woman. You become a woman who actually wants sex more. This is possible for you too.
Topics in this episode
As always it’s been my absolute pleasure to be with you today. I can’t wait for you to start seeing the shifts of where you’re blaming your partner, and instead, taking on the responsibility that this is actually about you. You have the ability to become a turned-on woman. It is the most empowering and freeing thing that you can believe about your sex life.
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