I talk to a lot of women every week, and one of the main things I hear is the idea that they don’t know where to get started. When you think about taking on your sex life and creating the result of having a pleasurable sex life, it can totally feel overwhelming. This feeling of overwhelm causes our brains to shut down, and we don’t even know where or how to get started. In this episode, I share with you the tools to break down this huge undertaking and walk you through step-by-step with specific examples of how you can create momentum and become a turned-on woman.
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It has been my absolute pleasure sharing this with you today. I hope this episode helps you find more pleasure. When you’re looking at everything as being this one huge overwhelming problem to be solved, your brain and your body will shut down. Give yourself the gift of being a project manager. Break it down into one chunk, and break that down into a smaller size until you get down to a bite-size piece of one specific thing you can focus on tonight to move your sex life forward. Over time, the more that we work on one thought, behavior, or action, the more it will compound and create the result of you becoming a pleasured woman.
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