It's My Pleasure Podcast

Ep. 11: "Do Not Disturb" . . . Vacay Sex

Vacay and sex seem to go hand in hand for many couples - and why shouldn't it, it can be oh so good. In this episode we explore what happens to make vacation sex oh so good and what keeps you cumming back for more. Also how can we get a little more of that at home? Listen in as I break down some common things that happen while on vacation, the mindset behind it and how you can specifically recreate the magic in your own home.

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Ep. 10: The Felt Sense with Rachel Sample

In this special inaugural interview episode, I am joined by the founder of The Felt Sense, Rachel Sample. We discuss the importance of creating safe and welcoming spaces for conversations to emerge around sensuality and sexuality and how The Felt Sense was born. The assumptions made about women who speak openly about sexuality, erotic story telling versus porn, and of course the patriarchy of pleasure. You will be sure to fall in love with Rachel, her sassy and smart approach to sexuality and the open discourse we need in today's world. 

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Ep. 9: To Schedule or Not To Schedule

Scheduling sex? Um no thanks! If that is your immediate response you are so not alone. I used to turn my nose all the way up to planning or scheduling anything especially sex. But why might this help you get your groove on? And no it isn't just about getting that date night on the calendar - it goes so much deeper than that. Listen on and find out why!

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Ep. 8: Orgasm Focused Sex

In this episode we explore what happens when we have an agenda with sex, and specifically getting to that orgasm. How does having an orgasm focused agenda effect your pleasure when you hit the sheets. Listen on to find out!

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Ep. 7: Learning to Be More Sexual

Learning to be more sexual might seem as though it should come easy. I can just flirt more and wear a sexy outfit right? Well, yes and no. In this episode we explore the nature vs nurture convo as it relates to sexuality as well what you can do to set yourself up for success as you learn how to step into your sexual prowess.

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Ep 6: Will It Get Better?

There is an underlying subtext that most of us have when we begin to take a closer look at our sex lives . . . will it get better? Is this possible for me? Am I broken/fixable? And that my friends is exactly where we start – with where YOU are in this moment and taking a closer look at how you are mentally relating to sexuality. In this episode, through relatable stories and the psychology of the mind, you will learn that knowing where you are at and then knowing how you feel/think about where you are at, is the key to creating lasting change. Because how you relate to yourself when facing change or challenge is everything when it comes to cumming.

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Ep 5: Making A Long Time Lover New Again

Ok so you have been with your lover for a while now and perhaps you are starting to feel like two ships passing in the night or like your connection has lost that passion or maybe just that sex feels super routine and not exciting. I totally get you. In this episode, you will learn how to actually desire your longtime lover again and how to bring more deliciousness into your sex life. Buckle up buttercup, time bring the sexy back to your marriage or long-time partnership.

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Ep 4: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Vagina

Awaken your body to experience more pleasure! For so many of us, we are living from the next up – in our head’s thinking about anything from our businesses to politics to that cute jumper we saw on Instagram. In this episode, you will learn how to identify when your mind is wandering and how to specifically train it to come back into your body and open up to a more pleasurable sexual experience. Buckle up – this is a juicy episode!

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Ep 3: Stress and Sex

Stress is prevalent in modern life – whether we like it or not.

We are sick and tired of hearing about stress and its negative effects – I get you but truly understanding how stress may keep you away from mind-blowing sex may be just what you need to stop simmering in a reactive brain state. Not only that when you understand how stress happens and what you can actually do about it (no, it is not a face mask and a glass of wine) then you might be able to start enjoying what your mama gave you once again.

I promise – this title might be blah – but stress and sex as explained in this episode is anything but boring.

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Ep 2: Setting the Intention for Pleasure

 Sex and pleasure are one of those things we ‘expect’ to just happen to us, like all of the sudden you will be swept off your feet in desire and arousal. Unfortunately with everything going on in your life that is just now what tends to happen, not to mention this is not the way the brain is wired.

In this episode I cover the importance of setting the intention to bring more pleasure in your life, why it is so important and how my going after it all of the things you will discover that are actually keeping you from experience ecstatic pleasure and satisfaction in your life.

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