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Orgasms! Of course you want them! I want them and I want them ALL for you. But when we focus on orgasms, not only can it create problems, but it will diminish your overall capacity for mind-blowing pleasure.
So what should you focus on instead? Listen in on this episode to learn of why it is SO important to not lead getting orgasms drive the show.
Group coaching is the best way for you to elevate your experiences of pleasure in and OUT of the...
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Blowjobs - love them or hate them, this episode is for you.
The blowjob is one of those sexual acts that is seeped in assumptions, stigmatization and ‘shoulds'. Sure they are ‘for’ your partner and it can be so fun to see him turned on, but I want you to know there is so much MORE to them.
In this episode I will be sharing with you an entirely new way to look at blow jobs — one that will have you excited to practice your technique and make blowjobs a more regular occurrence.
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Puff, puff, pleasure! Ha! In this episode, we speak with Dr. Adie Rae, a leading neuroscientist researcher in the field of cannabis, discussing the effects of cannabis on female sexual pleasure. Dr Rae shares her knowledge and insights on the topic, discussing the ways in which cannabis can enhance women's sexual experiences.
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In this episode, we explore how visualization can be used to enhance your sex life and increase your desire. This is a tool that I use regularly in my own personal life and is vital in helping my clients get the results they are wanting as well. I will share 5 specific techniques for using visualization to improve your sexual experiences and tips and techniques to make visualization easier.
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Do you ever struggle with scheduling sex because you’re afraid that when the time comes you might not like feel like it and you don’t want to get your partner’s hopes up? Or you hold yourself back from a midday makeout sesh or big french kiss because you know it’’ be met with a knowing grin and “Oh I see what’s going on” suggestion - and to be honest you just don’t know if you want to? Or maybe you have with all good intention been into it and then along the way you simply aren’t feeling it anymore, but it is easier to go along than stop things.
Then you have to listen to this episode. Subconscious fears about not wanting to disappoint your partner, give the wrong idea or lock yourself into something you aren’t so sure about are keeping you from feeling more desire.
And the solution is simply. Listen in to find out what...
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Hello my fellow neurodivergent lovers! This episode is FOR you. Today we talk about how high sensitivity and ADHD tendencies can keep you from loving the sex you are having and dampening your desire and exactly what to do about it.
This episode originally showed up on The Black Sheep Playground podcast with Meg Kierstead and I loved the interview so much I wanted to share it here as well. Because to be honest it isn’t talked about a lot. How to regulate more - yes, how to get organized and stay on task - yes but sex and pleasure? Not so much.
In this episode I will give you specific tools, that I have used to work with my own neurodivergent brain, in order to relish in all the pleasure your body is wired for. Enjoy!
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Have you ever asked yourself the question what the difference between caring or caretaking is? And why am I even asking this question? Because if you are anything like me, or my clients, playing mother to your lover is for sure NOT a turn on. So when does genuine caring and doing something from love for another cross into the realm of being their caretaker? That is exactly what we will be discussing on this episode
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There is a lot of talk about the mental load and physical load of running a house that a woman in a heterosexual relationship typically experiences. And thank goodness - we NEED to be talking about this.
However, I do see some of this narrative getting turned into a laundry list of “dos” for our partner and often in the vein of “Maybe I would be more in the mood if I had more help”.
And I want to address why this subtle shift can be problematic to the connection you are actually wanting.
Also TANGLED is open - enroll now or email me to schedule a call to see if this program is right for you!
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Understanding sexual pleasure and desire can feel complex - there can be so many factors that impact your mood, your openness to receive and your experience of pleasure.
That being said, in order to increase your sexual satisfaction it really comes down to three essential things. You can keep your mind focus on these THREE things over and over again because you’ll always find little nuances to work with that will help you elevate your sensual experience.
Tangled is the group coaching program that starts in a couple of weeks and this is the framework we work from.
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“Babe. Listening to this woman was like I was listening to myself. I want to sign up for this program. I want what she has!” That’s the exact thing one of my clients said to her husband after listening to an interview about a year ago on “It’s My Pleasure”. Now she is coming on to share with all of you how this work, in her words, “has completely changed my LIFE.”
It is easy to think that truly LOVING your sex life and being orgasmically fulfilled is just for “other women” and not for you. My client Faith was nervous that the same might be true for her. Having had a conservative upbringing and being dedicated to her own religious beliefs, Faith was worried that it might not be in the works for her to love her sex life, but she knew she wanted things to change.
Listen in on this compelling story full of raw honestly,...
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